Driftwood on Ile-a-Vache
Jonathan Jackson2021-03-08T23:52:42+00:00Photo taken in the opposite direction of the sunset. Warm directional light on the sand and the cool tones of the water help bring interest. Driftwood to anchor the composition.
Photo taken in the opposite direction of the sunset. Warm directional light on the sand and the cool tones of the water help bring interest. Driftwood to anchor the composition.
Probably the "best" sunset during our time on the island. Also an image that taught me a heavy weight travel tripod is a necessary tool. The little rock island isn't as sharp as it should be. Would bother me on larger prints. But a memory that is important to me and an interesting sky.
I remember trekking up a hill looking for a view of the sunrise. Never saw the sun crest the horizon because of the cloud bank but the rays finally broke through.
A colorful sunset on Ile-a-Vache. Easily walkable spot not far from the Vacation Village. Had to shoot quite a few images to make sure to get one in focus. Shorter exposure on the image to make sure the boat stayed sharp.
Went out to shoot sunset, captured these images waiting on the sun to go down. I don't believe I noticed the first image the first time I looked through them in 2014. Nice to find surprises going back over the old photos.
Went to Haiti with Shelby, John & Susana. Shelby has been to Haiti quite a few times in her life. For John, Susana and I it was our first trip.
Sunset view a few feet from the room. I prefer the wider perspective but the impressive cloud is emphasized in the second shot.
Sailboats at Port Morgan. Passed by on our walk and captured this image outside the resort. I've always liked it because of the vibrant blue water.
Walked over to Port Morgan and through a small village along the way. The boats were lined up on the coast as the lobster traps had been checked earlier in the morning.
Ile-a-Vache is 8 miles long by 2 miles wide so we took off walking towards Port Morgan to see more of the island. Also known as "Cow Island", there were a lot of agriculture operations underway. Will add additional galleries within post when time permits.